Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Performance of Sorts

Just got home from a night out at McGinnis. I was asked by John Vermilye to play again, and I happily obliged. Luckily I had my songbook and capo in the car. (Okay, it wasn't purely luck; I may have brought them along just in case.) I went for four songs tonight, and I'm glad I did, I really liked the set list. Here it is:

"Your Heart Is an Empty Room" (Death Cab for Cutie)
"If You Don't Mind (Version 2)" (original)
"Doubting Thomas" (Nickel Creek)
"Clementine" (original)

It wasn't perfect, but then it never really is. I know there were a few flubs in there, but significantly fewer than last time. I've been playing a lot of guitar in the last month or so, and I felt pretty comfortable tonight, despite the fact that I'd already had two Dogfish Head IPAs (which make me feel less inhibited, but also probably more prone to mistakes). I think of all things my vocals felt particularly great; my rhythm guitar playing is still rough around the edges, but I thought my vocal delivery was exactly what I'd want it to be right now. I spent about five or ten seconds before each song just sitting in silence, thinking about the song, trying to imagine myself playing and singing it, so that when I started it I could just chill out and get lost in the melody and not be so prone to rush the tempo.

I have to give a big thank-you to Johnny for inviting me to play. It's an awkward transition to get over the nervousness I've accumulated from going so long without playing in front of people, but it feels good, really good. I had an absolute blast tonight. I also have to thank my friends that were there tonight. It means a lot to me to see them there enjoying it and offering words of encouragement. I tend to need a bit of that at the moment.


  1. Very nice dude. you should make a video next time. Then all of us Muncie people could see it, and you can watch it for self critique.

  2. I wish I had the technology and capability to do so.
